Thursday, June 16, 2016

Day 9 (March 18, 2016) and 1 Reese's Piece

Okay so long time no post... the good news is I'm not a bunch of posts behind. My big news is that I'm officially done with peanut flour as of March 18th and I'm eating 1 Reese's Piece a day.

Since March, I have been maintaining that dose while I get my life back in order. We knew there was a possibility we would have to do this because JUNIOR YEAR IS THE HARDEST YEAR EVER! (Looking forward to enjoying a relaxing summer now that I'm out of school) Anyway, I also have some bad news. I hate the taste of Reese's Pieces so dosing everyday is still not enjoyable. 

I will be heading back to the Allergist tomorrow so I can try a peanut M&M. I think I may like it better because chocolate makes everything taste better...Right?