Sunday, December 13, 2015

12mg dose

 A little reminder about how much 12 mg is...

On 12/10/15, I had a minor reaction. I got a little welt on my lip, but I remained calm and it went away. I haven't had any reactions since and I think it was caused mostly by homework stress.

This time I mixed my peanut in...
  • Apple Sauce
  • A grape
  • Cheese
  • Ice Cream
  • Fried Rice
  • Marshmallow (I want to try to make it into a s'more soon)
  • Cookie dough
The biggest trick is trying to find something that you can't taste the peanut flour (it taste nasty)...So far I haven't found anything that completely masks the taste.

Okay, I'm going to post this so I can go to bed. I have to be up in 6 hours to head to the new appointment. Hopefully they will (more than) double the dose to 25mg.

Day 3 (December 4, 2015)

Today was day 3! My dad and I left really early this morning for my appointment. It was a long drive but we made it. We actually got there a little early and walked around Michael's. It made me want to craft.

At the appointment, they took my height and weight. (dang... I'm still 5'4, I want to be tall, grow McKenna grow)

 Next, I went back to my room and ate my peanut flour (12 mg) in apple sauce.

Then, I waited. To pass the time, I read a book that I got from the library. The book is called Also Known As. It's a teen spy book, my favorite topic.

 After my appointment, we got my new dose, ate lunch, and drove home.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

6mg dose

I am almost done with my first take home dose. As a reminder... this is how much 6mg is.

MINUSCULE! Anyway, the past 2 weeks have blown by and I have gotten creative with what I mix it with. I take it every day either with an after school snack or with dinner. There is no way I am going to wake up earlier than I have to. Aurora needs her sleep ;) 

I have mixed it with/ate it on:
  • fried rice
  • mandarin oranges
  • white rice
  • bread
  • pudding
  • apple sauce
  • dried apricots
  • And more that I can't remember
Tomorrow, I will go back for my up dose...stay tuned.

Monday, November 30, 2015

Day 2 (November 18, 2015)

Today was day 2. I walked in confident with my music already blasting through my headphones. 

When I got back to my room, I got my blood pressure checked followed by today's dose. Today I ate 6 mg in apple sauce (I didn't want to be able to see any chunks of peanuts. Apple sauce already has a rougher consistency so it would be less noticeable). Then we waited the hour to ensure no reaction. 
During this time, I worked on some homework (bleh....chemistry). 
Since all was fine, they sent us home with 6 mg to take each day. They came in little pill capsules. Look how much 6 mg really is. It's hard to believe that they could start me with 1/60th of that yesterday.

After the appointment, I was ready to get home to see my dog. The ride home was long with many delicious food/drink stops including 

*a peppermint chocolate chip milkshake (Chick-fil-a)
*a buttermilk oven baked chicken breast, salad, and broccoli (Cracker Barrel)
*a peppermint hot chocolate (Starbucks)

Can you tell I like peppermint drinks?
When we finally got home, my dog was equally glad to see me

Day 1 (November 17, 2015)

Today I started my peanut oral immunotherapy. My very first dose was .1 mg of peanut flour. I chose to have them put it in chocolate pudding.


They doubled my flour every 30 minutes. The doses were as follows... 0.1 mg, 0.2 mg, 0.4 mg, 0.8 mg, 1.5 mg, and 3.0 mg. This adds up to 6.0 mg (which is what I needed to get to)! In between doses can be a little boring but luckily Hailee Steinfield's EP just came out. I also spent time working on school work.

I was done for the day! After the appointment, My mom and I headed to the boardwalk, got some ice cream, walked on the beach, and played skeeball.
I got mint chocolate chunk from Ben and Jerry's...YUM!